You can have love in every relationship and every
aspect of life. I can show you how.
Watch Bill Ferguson
Learn what creates and destroys love
Relationships are not 50/50. They are 100/100
The underlying condition that keeps relationships from working

Love is never enough to have a relationship work
The divorce courts are full of people who love each other. To have a relationship be great, you need more than love. You need to feel loved. When the experience of love is present, you are happy, alive, and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. You are confident, creative, and very resourceful. You have a positive attitude and great things happen around you.
Ultimately, this is the happiness that we seek. This is what we want in our relationships and our lives. Creating the experience of love is the key to creating a great relationship. It's also the key to creating a great life. Use this site to learn how.
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The underlying condition that destroys love
If you have a relationship or any other area of life that isn't working, there will always be something under the surface that is creating the problem. This underlying condition makes us defensive. It gets us upset and forces destructive behavior. It destroys love and creates conflict. Until this condition is found and removed, nothing will change and the problem will continue.
If you want to end the conflict and restore the love in your relationship, you need to find and remove this destructive underlying condition. To learn how, read the articles on this site. You can also work directly with Bill Ferguson and attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart. If you want to transform all of your life, get the Mastery of Life Video Course.
A Step-By-Step Process for Restoring Love
There is a step by step process you can take to end conflict, heal hurt, and restore love in any relationship. The steps involve growing in your awareness, healing and taking specific action. The result is more love, more happiness, and a far more effective, enjoyable life. Use this site to learn the steps.

Who is Bill Ferguson
Bill Ferguson has been featured on Oprah and recommended by The Wall Street Journal. As a former divorce attorney, 15% of his clients never divorced and the ones who did were able to part as friends. His book, How To Heal A Painful Relationship, has become a national best seller. The Texas Counseling Association thinks so highly of his work, they asked him to deliver the keynote address at their annual convention. He taught his approach to over 2,300 counselors and therapists. Learn more
Do you have a painful relationship?
Do you have a painful relationship or an area of life that isn’t working? Would you like to have this area of your life clear up? You can. The best way to do this is to work directly with Bill Ferguson. You can also attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart. Give us a call. We can talk about your situation and create a plan of action.