The 6 step process for
having life work

It is possible to create an incredible life, but it takes
looking at life in a very different way


It is possible to create a life that is more wonderful than anything you can imagine. Relationships can heal, problem areas can clear up, and you can have your dreams come true, but this won’t happen by itself. There are concepts to learn, issues to heal, and specific action to take. The steps for accomplishing this are simple and every step you take has your life be better and better.

Here are the steps:

1. Discover why your life is the way it is and how to have it be great

We have been taught and we believe that happiness and upsets come from our circumstances, but this is an illusion that creates unbelievable suffering. In an automatic attempt to be happy and avoid upsets, we try to make people and life be a certain way. We fight, resist, hang on and withdraw. Instead of creating the happiness that we seek, we destroy love and create a life of fear, upset and suffering.

Once you discover why your life is the way it is, you become more able to determine how your life will be. When you change how you relate to life, you change what happens around you. To learn more about how to gain mastery of life, watch the videos and read the articles.

2. Learn to let go and restore your power

Ultimately, the circumstances of life have no power. They only have the power that we give them. We give them power by resisting, avoiding and hanging on to them. This inner state of resisting destroys your ability to see clearly and forces destructive behavior. It destroys love and sabotages your life.

To restore your effectiveness and to get your power back, you have to let go of the resisting. You do this through a process called "letting go". The moment you let go, your restore your ability to see clearly. Solutions appear and this area of life starts clearing up. To learn how, watch the videos, listen to the audio course, and make an appointment with Bill Ferguson.

3. Find and heal your childhood hurt

Every area of life that doesn’t work and every self-sabotaging behavior pattern can be traced directly to the automatic, subconscious avoidance of a very specific childhood hurt. This automatic avoidance creates a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. It destroys your ability to find solutions and it forces you to act destructively.

This hurt is the suppressed childhood emotion of feeling worthless, not good enough, not worth loving, failure, or some other form of feeling not okay. It’s never the truth. It’s just a hurt, but it’s a hurt that destroys love and sabotages your life. Finding and healing this hurt is one of the most important things you can ever do.

The best way to heal this hurt is to work directly with Bill Ferguson, attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart, and take our video course.

4. Get grounded in the essence of who you are

Who you are, under all the hurt, is pure love, pure creation, and pure possibility. You were born this way, but lost it in the process of growing up. Now it’s time to get it back. Once you discover the essence of who you are and get grounded in this state, your life will never be the same. The best way to gain this awakening is to attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart.

In this program, you discover the very essence of who you are. From that moment on, the circumstances of your life will never have the same power. You will see life in a different way which automatically changes the way you relate to life. Instead of creating a life of fear, upset and suffering, you enter a world of love, joy, peace, happiness, and miracles.

5. Take specific action

Once you have had the awakening, the next step is to take action. The most important action step is to find things you can do to recharge the batteries of your soul. Some people do this by listening to certain music, doing yoga, or being in nature. Others get restored by meditating, reading, or participating in religious services. Find things you can do that pull you out of the realm of circumstances and put you back in touch with who you are. Then do them often.

It is also important to handle the areas of your life that pull you out of the light. Clean up your life and resolve the areas where you suffer. Fortunately, this is relatively easy once you have the awakening. You also want to develop your ability to get back in the light whenever you notice that you are out of it. Use every upset for more healing. Then go full speed to have your dreams come true.

To learn more about the specific action you should take, watch the video course and subscribe to our e-course. For ongoing support, join the Mastery Program and work directly with Bill Ferguson.

6. Connect with the power of the universe

The more you connect with this power, the better your life works. You can call this God, love, the light, source, or the power of the universe. It doesn’t matter what you call it. What matters is making the connection. As you make this connection and allow this loving power to flow though you, you create a life more wonderful than you can imagine.

The key to making this connection is to let go of your circumstances and trust that you will be okay no matter what happens. Then actively seek the connection. The more you actively seek it, the more it will be revealed to you and the more wonderful your life will be.

One way to do this is to join the Mastery Program and work directly with Bill Ferguson.



Do you have a painful relationship?

Do you have a painful relationship or an area of life that isn’t working? Would you like to have this area of your life clear up? You can. The best way to do this is to work directly with Bill Ferguson. You can also attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart. Give us a call. We can talk about your situation and create a plan of action.


Free e-course

You can heal your relationships and create a great life, but you have to know how. Both the video course and the free e-course walk you through the steps. As you work with the lessons, you change your life.