You magnify whatever you resist – Mastery of Relationships – Bill Ferguson

You magnify whatever
you resist

Resisting is one of the most powerful ways that we create


At any moment, your life is exactly the way that it is. This is true whether you like it or not. The people in your life are the way that they are, the circumstances of your life are the way that they are, and you are the way that you are. Everything may change tomorrow, but at any moment, "what's so" is always "what's so."

When you are at peace with the truth of "what's so," you have peace of mind. You see your situation clearly and can see what needs to be done. When you fight the truth of “what’s so,� you become full of fear and upset. You get tunnel vision and lose your ability to see clearly. You also magnify whatever you are resisting.

You magnify whatever you resist

The Law of Resistance

One of the most powerful ways that we create in our lives is by resisting. When you resist, you magnify and give power to whatever you are resisting. Here are some examples that demonstrate this:

Imagine four yellow balloons on the ceiling above you. Now, whatever you do, don't think about them. You just thought about them. Don't do that. What happens when you fight the yellow balloons? You keep thinking about them. In fact, you can hardly think of anything else.

Resisting the thought of yellow balloons gives the thought power and keeps it alive. The same principle applies in every aspect of life. Whatever you resist gets magnified.

Find a characteristic that you can’t stand in someone. Then notice what happens to the characteristic when you fight it. The characteristic grows. It grows in your perception and it shows up more in the world around you. Your resisting does not make the characteristic go way. Resisting gives it power and makes it stronger. The Mastery of Life Video Course

Notice how you feel when someone resists the way you are and tries to change you. How do you feel about changing? You don't want to. You get upset and become resistant. You don't want to change a thing. The same thing happens when you resist someone else or any other aspect of your life. The very act of resisting makes whatever you resist more solid.

Look at the areas of your life that work great. These are areas where you can flow with whatever happens. Now look at the areas of your life that don't work. These are areas where you can't flow. By your resisting, you lose your ability to find solutions and you keep these areas from clearing up.

The nature of fear

Another way we resist is through fear. Fear is an inner state and is created by resisting a future event. For example, if you have a fear of losing someone, you are resisting the future event called, "losing the person." The more you resist losing the person, the bigger your fear. The bigger your fear, the more you feel threatened. The more you feel threatened, the more you hang on and act destructively. This in turn pushes the person away and causes your fear to come true.

Look over your life and notice that whatever you fear and resist keeps showing up, over and over. These circumstances keep showing up because you keep creating them. Fighting the truth does not make a situation clear up. Effective action can handle a situation, but not the inner state of resisting. Resisting makes your situation worse.

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Watch the video and learn more about
the law of resisting

This video is from the Mastery of Life Video Course




Do you have a painful relationship?

Do you have a painful relationship or an area of life that isn’t working? Would you like to have this area of your life clear up? You can. The best way to do this is to work directly with Bill Ferguson. You can also attend our weekend workshop, Return To The Heart. Give us a call. We can talk about your situation and create a plan of action.


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